
Houthis use Hamas war as pretext to attract new recruits

The Houthis are using the Hamas war to revitalize recruitment efforts but will likely use the new recruits to expand their footprint in Yemen.

A fighter loyal to the Iran-backed Houthis shouts slogans during a military parade through the streets of Sanaa in a show of solidarity with Hamas on October 15. [Mohammed Huwais/AFP]
A fighter loyal to the Iran-backed Houthis shouts slogans during a military parade through the streets of Sanaa in a show of solidarity with Hamas on October 15. [Mohammed Huwais/AFP]

By Faisal Abu Bakr |

ADEN -- Through their mobilization in support of Hamas as part of the so-called "axis of resistance," the Iran-backed Houthis intend to expand their footprint in Yemen, political analysts in Yemen cautioned.

The Houthis staged a military parade in Dhamar province on November 16 to celebrate the graduation of the first batch of the so-called "Popular Forces of the al-Aqsa Flood" -- a newly formed force to support Hamas in its war.

Supreme Political Council member Mohammed Ali al-Houthi attended the parade, according to Houthi spokesman Mohammed al-Bukhaiti, who boasted that 10,000 volunteers had signed up to join the new force.

Al-Bukhaiti posted a video showcasing the "popular forces" on X, formerly Twitter, saying they were formed to support the "al-Aqsa flood" -- the name Hamas gave to its October 7 terrorist attack on Israel.

Naval mines are displayed on the back of a vehicle on September 21, during a military parade marking the ninth anniversary of the Houthis' takeover of Sanaa. [Mohammed Huwais/AFP]
Naval mines are displayed on the back of a vehicle on September 21, during a military parade marking the ninth anniversary of the Houthis' takeover of Sanaa. [Mohammed Huwais/AFP]

According to political analyst Faisal Ahmed, the Houthis' chanting of slogans in support of the "al-Aqsa flood" is no more than "a new ruse to mobilize" in Yemen.

"The Houthis' declared support of the Hamas movement comes as part of its support of the Iranian project, which repeatedly declares support for the Hamas movement, rather than support for Palestine or the Palestinian cause," he said.

"This ruse has been exposed," political analyst Fares al-Beel told Al-Fassel.

Not many Yemenis are fooled any longer by the show of support for Palestine from Iran and its proxies, he said, noting that "the Palestinian issue has become a tool for Iran to fool and deceive people."

The Houthi military parade of "al-Aqsa flood" volunteers "was met with nothing but ridicule by the Yemeni people," al-Beel said, pointing out that few media outlets covered or commented on it.

The intent of the parade was merely to "register a position," on the part of the Houthis and Iran, he said.

"What the Houthis did, in the context of the Gaza war, does not serve the Yemeni people, because the Yemeni people are suffering as much as the Palestinians are suffering, and perhaps more," al-Beel explained.

Misleading recruitment strategy

The Houthis' actions are calculated to serve the Iranian axis alone, Yemeni Deputy Minister of Justice Faisal al-Majeedi told Al-Fassel.

"Militarizing the youth and children under the banner of the Gaza war has nothing to do with the Palestinian issue but is rather an exploitation of that attractive banner for mobilization," he said.

Recruitment had fallen off for the Houthis "after the Yemeni people became aware of the lies of Iran and its militias," he said, adding that the new display of support for Hamas is invigorating these efforts.

The new batch of fighters who were recruited in the most recent efforts, under the banner of support for Hamas, "will be used for fighting in Taez province and to continue the war in Yemen," al-Majeedi said.

"It is as if the 'road to Jerusalem' passes through the provinces of Marib and Taez," he observed wryly.

"The Iranian Houthi militia is exploiting the events in Gaza in a hideous way for mobilization and militarization for its own benefit and to serve Iran's project in the region," al-Majeedi added.

The Houthis named the newly graduated recruits the "Popular Forces for the al-Aqsa Flood with the aim of mobilizing for itself and in service of its goals," Abaad Center for Strategic Studies director Abdul Salam Mohammed told Al-Fassel.

"With this new mobilization, the Houthis are targeting the Saudi borders, the provinces of Marib and Taez, and the western coast of Yemen," he said.

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The actor Duraid Lahham [TN: alt: famous comedic actor] was right when he said: If you want the Arabs to engage in jihad, just tell the Jews to convert to Shiism. This is your religion. You cowards, you fight your brothers in Palestine.
May God protect the Houthi mujahideen and grant them victory by the right [TN: alt: grace] of Mohammed and Mohammed's family [TN: reference to the prophet Mohammed].

What nonsense, it would have been better for you if you didn't write this report.