Politics 2025-02-20
Draft policy statement challenges Hizbullah's weapons arsenal and outlines state modernization and economic and judicial reforms.
Politics 2025-02-19
Hizbullah's iron grip on Lebanon appears to be slipping as new government charts a path to break free of the party's decades-long dominance.
Politics 2024-12-30
As it finds itself increasingly isolated, the Iranian regime has lashed out at a number of countries following the imposition of sanctions.
Politics 2024-12-27
The Kremlin failed to build a professional, self-reliant Syrian military force and ultimately lacked the strength or the will to prevent the regime's fall.
Politics 2024-12-20
Russia's intervention kept a brutal dictator in power at the expense of the Syrian people in service of its own economic and political goals.
Politics 2024-11-14
The Hizbullah deputy, who is regarded as a mouthpiece for the Iranian regime, was forced into the leadership role due to a paucity of options.
Politics 2024-11-08
The Iranian regime has made a show of demonstrating its support for the Iraqi militias in its orbit as internecine strife threatens their unity.
Politics 2024-10-29
Lebanese lawmakers say they will not accept the continuation of Iranian hegemony, which undermines the country's sovereignty.
Politics 2024-10-02
Leaders sought to highlight economic and technological cooperation, with US President Joe Biden hailing the UAE as 'a nation of trailblazers.'
Politics 2024-09-30
Disagreements among rival Iran-aligned Iraqi militias have become more pronounced as they compete for influence and positions diverge.