US sanctions Iranian 'malicious cyber actors'

US sanctions Iranian 'malicious cyber actors'


entities through cyber operations, including spear phishing and malware attacks," it said

Hizbullah's cross-border smuggling 'has not stopped for a minute,' activists say

Hizbullah's cross-border smuggling 'has not stopped for a minute,' activists say


by gangs of people smugglers," said Akkar-based activist Mohammed Abdul Karim. Smuggling

Russia's losses in Black Sea bode ill for its Red Sea aspirations

Russia's losses in Black Sea bode ill for its Red Sea aspirations


from its main base in Sevastopol to safer waters in Novorossiysk. The most recent loss

Iran investing billions to destabilize region, advance goals

Iran investing billions to destabilize region, advance goals


that the Houthis have been using to attack shipping in the Red Sea since November are linked to Iran. Similarly

US-Iraq relationship solid despite militias' attempts to undermine it

US-Iraq relationship solid despite militias' attempts to undermine it


attacks, said international coalition commander US Maj. Gen. Matthew McFarlane. Through

Iran's 'resistance media' network 'more dangerous than missiles'

Iran's 'resistance media' network 'more dangerous than missiles'


, for example, the Houthis' Al-Masirah satellite channel is promoting the use of medium-range missiles

More aid flows into Gaza after Israel allows opening of new crossings

More aid flows into Gaza after Israel allows opening of new crossings


workers from US-based World Central Kitchen, Israel said it would reopen the Erez crossing near northern

France issues historic arrest warrant for Syria's al-Assad

France issues historic arrest warrant for Syria's al-Assad


said there was clear evidence of sarin gas use. Series of chemical attacks Syria

IRGC seizure of ship near Strait of Hormuz deemed act of state-sponsored piracy

IRGC seizure of ship near Strait of Hormuz deemed act of state-sponsored piracy


States. US forces "successfully engaged and destroyed more than 80 one-way attack uncrewed

School dropout rate soars, children's health deteriorates as Yemen war persists

School dropout rate soars, children's health deteriorates as Yemen war persists


crisis "The Houthis' attacks in the Red Sea and Iran's continuous military support to them have

US destroyer shoots down Iran-made drone in Red Sea

US destroyer shoots down Iran-made drone in Red Sea


by the Iran-backed Houthis, the US military said. At approximately 11am local time, guided

Jordan stands firm against Kataib Hizbullah's threats

Jordan stands firm against Kataib Hizbullah's threats


, and on January 27 attacked a base in the kingdom's northeast near the Syria border. Six months ago

Israel-Hamas war already hitting tourism, regional economies: IMF

Israel-Hamas war already hitting tourism, regional economies: IMF


triggered by the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel, Kristalina Georgieva said at the Future Investment

Iran rejects G7 calls to stop supporting Hamas

Iran rejects G7 calls to stop supporting Hamas


held by the Hamas terrorist group. Hamas staged a terrorist attack in southern Israel on October 7

Infighting between militias undermines Iraq's sovereignty

Infighting between militias undermines Iraq's sovereignty


its strategy of regional expansion," he said. The presence of US-led coalition forces