With partner nations, anti-ISIS coalition wards off extremist resurgence

With partner nations, anti-ISIS coalition wards off extremist resurgence


attacks outside Syria and Iraq, recruiting, training and weapons smuggling. "The removal

Iran-backed Houthis continue to fire missiles at ships in Red Sea

Iran-backed Houthis continue to fire missiles at ships in Red Sea


"assessed the attack to have targeted US interests in response to US military strikes on Houthi military

US-Saudi agreement to enhance kingdom's defense, economy

US-Saudi agreement to enhance kingdom's defense, economy


. "Modern wars are based primarily on technology of all kinds, starting from surveillance and monitoring

US transfers seized Iranian weapons to Ukrainian forces

US transfers seized Iranian weapons to Ukrainian forces


from vessels that were en route to the Houthis, the US military said April 17. "The US

Houthis' hostages: civilian pawns caught up in group's dangerous game

Houthis' hostages: civilian pawns caught up in group's dangerous game


) condemned the Houthis' attacks and demanded the release of the Galaxy Leader and its crew

US delivered nearly 10,000 tons of humanitarian aid to Gaza

US delivered nearly 10,000 tons of humanitarian aid to Gaza


A truck transports aid into Gaza via a US-constructed temporary pier. [CENTCOM

After ISIS defeat, international coalition keeps up the fight

After ISIS defeat, international coalition keeps up the fight


US and Iraqi military personnel work together during a training in June in Iraq. [Operation

Alawite activists in Syria are speaking out against al-Assad

Alawite activists in Syria are speaking out against al-Assad


and commercial facilities. "The dramatic deterioration of al-Assad's popular base among Alawites

History of Iran-Hamas ties leaves experts skeptical of Iran's denial of role in attack

History of Iran-Hamas ties leaves experts skeptical of Iran's denial of role in attack


the Iranian regime of possibly being involved in the attack?" said an Iran-based author and university

Iran's support for Houthis continues to have dire consequences for Yemenis

Iran's support for Houthis continues to have dire consequences for Yemenis


surveillance vessel controlled by the IRGC is given to the Houthis, who have used it to attack commercial

Yemen's naval forces get leg up against Houthis

Yemen's naval forces get leg up against Houthis


December 21. The Houthis have in recent weeks stepped up attacks on cargo ships traversing

Security of Suez Canal revisited in light of Houthi maritime threats

Security of Suez Canal revisited in light of Houthi maritime threats


the canal, experts said. Under the current circumstances -- with the Houthis' continuing

Burgeoning illicit drug industry funds Iranian militias in eastern Syria

Burgeoning illicit drug industry funds Iranian militias in eastern Syria


. IRGC affiliates equipped the laboratory with instruments used in the manufacture of narcotic pills

US renews Houthis' terrorist designation as it strikes anti-ship missiles in Yemen

US renews Houthis' terrorist designation as it strikes anti-ship missiles in Yemen


with more than 150 munitions last week, while US forces later attacked a Houthi radar site in what

Iran's intentions to escalate Middle East conflict are met with US warnings

Iran's intentions to escalate Middle East conflict are met with US warnings


, and any further attempts to attack the United States' forces, its allies or its interests may result in US