Cracks come to light within Hizbullah as inequities become evident

Terrorism 2024-09-27

Cracks come to light within Hizbullah as inequities become evident

Communications device explosions brought inequalities between upper-echelon party members and rank-and-file fighters into sharp relief.

Tahrir al-Sham roiled by internal divisions, popular rejection

Terrorism 2024-09-19

Tahrir al-Sham roiled by internal divisions, popular rejection

Leader of the extremist alliance is under fire from factions who seek a return to a more hardline ideology and reactivation of 'morality police.'

Activists warn of renewed Tahrir al-Sham activity in southern Syria's Daraa

Terrorism 2024-09-15

Activists warn of renewed Tahrir al-Sham activity in southern Syria's Daraa

The extremist alliance is trying to exploit the fragility of the grip the regime, Russia and Iran hold over Daraa to reestablish its presence in southern Syria.

Iraqis still feel pain of ISIS era 10 years after group began its rule of terror

Terrorism 2024-09-04

Iraqis still feel pain of ISIS era 10 years after group began its rule of terror

A decade after ISIS announced its so-called 'caliphate' in Iraq and Syria, the damage and trauma the group inflicted can still be seen and felt.

Senior leader of al-Qaeda affiliate killed in US 'kinetic strike' in Syria

Terrorism 2024-08-26

Senior leader of al-Qaeda affiliate killed in US 'kinetic strike' in Syria

Hurras al-Deen Shura council member Abu-Abd al-Rahman al-Makki was responsible for 'overseeing terrorist operations,' US military says.

Al-Qaeda suicide attack in Abyan shows collusion with Houthis

Terrorism 2024-08-22

Al-Qaeda suicide attack in Abyan shows collusion with Houthis

Analysts warn that al-Qaeda is exploiting its proximity to Houthi-controlled al-Bayda province to move, hide and obtain weapons and supplies.

Iran indulges Lebanese Hizbullah, its favorite proxy

Terrorism 2024-08-21

Iran indulges Lebanese Hizbullah, its favorite proxy

Backing numerous proxy wars in the region, Tehran has made clear which group it favors.

A decade after ISIS genocide, Iraq's Yazidis still bear the scars

Terrorism 2024-08-20

A decade after ISIS genocide, Iraq's Yazidis still bear the scars

Yazidis cannot forget the horror of the ISIS incursion. But one survivor stresses that hope and dreams for the future should not be lost.

Drones manufactured by Iranian proxies pose growing threat to region

Terrorism 2024-08-13

Drones manufactured by Iranian proxies pose growing threat to region

Kataib Hizbullah and the Houthis have been building and operating drones together in service of the Iranian regime's destructive agenda.

IRGC, Hizbullah experts in Sanaa bode ill for Yemen, region

Terrorism 2024-08-13

IRGC, Hizbullah experts in Sanaa bode ill for Yemen, region

The Houthis have been moving Hizbullah and IRGC elements between Sanaa and Beirut by air in a development that threatens regional peace.

ISIS steps up attacks as Iran's proxies sabotage counterterrorism efforts

Terrorism 2024-08-06

ISIS steps up attacks as Iran's proxies sabotage counterterrorism efforts

With their attacks on international coalition bases, Iran-aligned militias are undermining efforts to prevent an ISIS resurgence in Iraq and Syria.

Idlib protests against Tahrir al-Sham show no signs of abating

Terrorism 2024-08-04

Idlib protests against Tahrir al-Sham show no signs of abating

Protests that began spontaneously in February have turned into an organized movement against the al-Qaeda-linked overlords.

Slain Hizbullah commander had $5 million US bounty on his head

Terrorism 2024-08-02

Slain Hizbullah commander had $5 million US bounty on his head

Fuad Shukr had a 'central role' in the 1983 bombing of the US Marine Corps barracks in Beirut, which killed 241 US military personnel.

Counterterrorism efforts still vital amid ISIS attacks in Syrian desert

Terrorism 2024-07-22

Counterterrorism efforts still vital amid ISIS attacks in Syrian desert

With ISIS carrying out regular attacks in eastern Syria, counterterrorism operations are more important than ever, local residents say.

With partner nations, anti-ISIS coalition wards off extremist resurgence

Terrorism 2024-07-19

With partner nations, anti-ISIS coalition wards off extremist resurgence

Members of the US-led coalition have contributed more than $20 billion to stabilization assistance, de-mining capabilities, economic support and humanitarian aid in Iraq and Syria since 2014.

Al-Qaeda raises its head in southern Yemen, with Houthis' support

Terrorism 2024-07-18

Al-Qaeda raises its head in southern Yemen, with Houthis' support

Despite their many differences, both groups seek to wield power in the southern provinces where al-Qaeda once terrorized the population.

ISIS water-poisoning plot shows need for continued vigilance

Terrorism 2024-07-17

ISIS water-poisoning plot shows need for continued vigilance

Baghdad Operations Command intelligence has warned that ISIS has been plotting to contaminate the water supply in the Iraqi capital.

Egypt holds the line as extremist groups spread in Africa

Terrorism 2024-07-17

Egypt holds the line as extremist groups spread in Africa

As groups like al-Qaeda and ISIS proliferate in Africa, aided by insecurity and porous borders, Egyptian forces are keeping them in check.

Fight against electronic terrorism accelerates as groups try to stake out new turf

Terrorism 2024-07-14

Fight against electronic terrorism accelerates as groups try to stake out new turf

Extremist groups have stepped up their online presence as they jockey for position and try to regroup following losses on the ground.

Iraq targets ISIS sleeper cells during intensive campaign

Terrorism 2024-07-06

Iraq targets ISIS sleeper cells during intensive campaign

Iraqi forces killed 'scores' of ISIS elements during operations targeting the group's sleeper cells, safe houses and hideouts in several provinces.

Canada's designation of IRGC as terrorist group builds pressure on regime

Terrorism 2024-07-01

Canada's designation of IRGC as terrorist group builds pressure on regime

Already the United States, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia have listed the IRGC as a terrorist organization.

Hundreds of Iraqis repatriated from Syria's al-Hol camp

Terrorism 2024-06-28

Hundreds of Iraqis repatriated from Syria's al-Hol camp

Returning Iraqi citizens are undergoing psychological rehabilitation before returning to their hometowns, or facing trial for their crimes.

'Islamic Resistance in Iraq' militia added to terror group list

Terrorism 2024-06-27

'Islamic Resistance in Iraq' militia added to terror group list

Harakat Ansar Allah al-Awfiya is part of a new umbrella group comprised of multiple Iran-aligned armed factions.

Houthis arm al-Shabaab in Somalia with apparent Iranian coordination

Terrorism 2024-06-26

Houthis arm al-Shabaab in Somalia with apparent Iranian coordination

Iranian weapons have been making their way to the Houthis via the Horn of Africa, and al-Qaeda-linked al-Shabaab has a role in their delivery.

Houthis, Iran show disregard for civilian mariners as deadly attacks continue

Terrorism 2024-06-25

Houthis, Iran show disregard for civilian mariners as deadly attacks continue

Iranian frigate ignores distress call from civilian mariners as the Houthis continue their deadly attacks on merchant vessels in the Red Sea.

US hits ISIS leaders with sanctions, offers rewards for information

Terrorism 2024-06-20

US hits ISIS leaders with sanctions, offers rewards for information

The US government is offering up to $10 million for information leading to ISIS leaders and the disruption of its financial networks.

Facing internal friction, 'former' al-Qaeda Syria affiliate loses grip on Idlib

Terrorism 2024-06-16

Facing internal friction, 'former' al-Qaeda Syria affiliate loses grip on Idlib

Tahrir al-Sham, an extremist alliance led by al-Qaeda's former Syria branch that dominates Idlib, is facing acute internal and external pressures.

Al-Qaeda ramps up violent propaganda in face of counter-terrorism pressure

Terrorism 2024-06-03

Al-Qaeda ramps up violent propaganda in face of counter-terrorism pressure

An aggressive new video campaign spearheaded by the group's Yemen branch aims to incite supporters to commit acts of violence.

Al-Qaeda's acquisition of Iranian-made drones further jeopardizes Yemen's security

Terrorism 2024-05-30

Al-Qaeda's acquisition of Iranian-made drones further jeopardizes Yemen's security

The cooperation between the Houthis and various extremist groups, with Tehran's support, aims to weaken the Yemeni state and expand regional chaos, say observers.

Leadership failures prevent al-Qaeda resurgence

Terrorism 2024-05-21

Leadership failures prevent al-Qaeda resurgence

After the elimination of its first-line leadership, the group has become consumed by internal disagreements and has lost its power.

US partnerships have helped to purge al-Qaeda

Terrorism 2024-05-20

US partnerships have helped to purge al-Qaeda

In the Middle East, US partnerships have been instrumental in eliminating extremist ideology and promoting peace and prosperity.

Al-Hol camp: temporary facility to contain crisis ISIS created

Terrorism 2024-05-20

Al-Hol camp: temporary facility to contain crisis ISIS created

The Syrian camp has housed relatives of ISIS fighters since the group's defeat, providing a temporary solution to a complex problem that many have described as a 'time bomb'.

Middle East no longer epicenter of terrorism, report says

Terrorism 2024-05-14

Middle East no longer epicenter of terrorism, report says

The shift can be attributed to cooperation among the United States, partners and local communities, analysts say.

Canadian parliament unanimously agrees IRGC a terrorist organization

Terrorism 2024-05-13

Canadian parliament unanimously agrees IRGC a terrorist organization

Canada appears to be gearing up for more concrete punitive actions against the Iranian regime.

Al-Qaeda's toxic partnership with Houthis threatens Yemen's security

Terrorism 2024-05-10

Al-Qaeda's toxic partnership with Houthis threatens Yemen's security

The ongoing collaboration between al-Qaeda and the Houthis is dangerous for Yemen's future, analysts warn.

Hizbullah manipulates Lebanese banking system in service of Iran

Terrorism 2024-05-08

Hizbullah manipulates Lebanese banking system in service of Iran

Leaked documents reveal that suspicious financial transfers carried out by Hizbullah serve Iran's project in the region.

US continues crackdown on terrorism in Yemen

Terrorism 2024-05-06

US continues crackdown on terrorism in Yemen

The United States is working to weaken AQAP in two ways: through military strikes and via its Rewards for Justice program.

US remains committed to combating al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Terrorism 2024-05-02

US remains committed to combating al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

The terrorist group is considered by Washington the al-Qaeda network's most dangerous branch.

Houthis' use of seaborne weapons an 'evolving threat'

Terrorism 2024-04-24

Houthis' use of seaborne weapons an 'evolving threat'

US and coalition forces have been intercepting and destroying explosive unmanned surface vessels in the Red Sea to protect freedom of navigation.

IRGC seizure of ship near Strait of Hormuz deemed act of state-sponsored piracy

Terrorism 2024-04-15

IRGC seizure of ship near Strait of Hormuz deemed act of state-sponsored piracy

The IRGC seized the Israel-linked container ship in Gulf waters, and the MSC Aries is now being directed toward the territorial waters of Iran.

Fresh attacks on Israeli port of Eilat show hand of Iran

Terrorism 2024-04-11

Fresh attacks on Israeli port of Eilat show hand of Iran

Iran's proxies claim they are supporting Gaza, but their recent attacks on Israel show they are puppets of Iran and a vehicle for its revenge.

Meeting secretly in Yemen, Houthis and IRGC plot Red Sea escalation

Terrorism 2024-04-05

Meeting secretly in Yemen, Houthis and IRGC plot Red Sea escalation

The two sides met in al-Hodeidah to discuss a plan for military escalation and recruited fishermen to carry out missions and attacks at sea.

Reward for information on al-Qaeda's new leader in Yemen

Terrorism 2024-03-28

Reward for information on al-Qaeda's new leader in Yemen

A reward of up to $6 million is being offered for information leading to the identification or location of new AQAP leader Saad al-Awlaki.

Iran's backing of al-Qaeda worsens conflicts across the region

Terrorism 2024-03-22

Iran's backing of al-Qaeda worsens conflicts across the region

Al-Qaeda's relationship with its sympathizers in Arab countries such as Yemen, Syria and Libya is primarily facilitated on Iranian soil, analysts say.

Houthis' killing of civilian mariners angers Yemenis

Terrorism 2024-03-13

Houthis' killing of civilian mariners angers Yemenis

Attacks that kill or injure civilian sailors are 'a very serious issue that has serious repercussions and does not serve Yemen,' said Yemen's deputy minister of justice.

Al-Qaeda emir Saif al-Adel is commanding group from Iran

Terrorism 2024-03-01

Al-Qaeda emir Saif al-Adel is commanding group from Iran

A photo of al-Qaeda emir Saif al-Adel and other leaders of the group taken in Tehran around 2015 gives credence to reports that he is still there.

Kataib Hizbullah's activities in Iraq-Syria border town endanger civilians

Terrorism 2024-02-29

Kataib Hizbullah's activities in Iraq-Syria border town endanger civilians

The Iran-aligned militia has been storing explosives in al-Qaim area depots and smuggling arms and illegal drugs across the border into Syria.

For ISIS victims, al-Baghdadi family interviews reopen wounds

Terrorism 2024-02-26

For ISIS victims, al-Baghdadi family interviews reopen wounds

Al-Arabiya's interviews with ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's wives and daughter were a painful reminder of the need to eradicate the group.

Iraq-US military cooperation still vital in fight against ISIS remnants

Terrorism 2024-02-19

Iraq-US military cooperation still vital in fight against ISIS remnants

Iraqi forces continue to target ISIS remnants in operations that would not be possible without international coalition radar coverage and support.

Iran-backed Houthis fire missiles at ship destined for Iran

Terrorism 2024-02-15

Iran-backed Houthis fire missiles at ship destined for Iran

The latest incident in the Red Sea corridor illustrates how truly indiscriminate the Houthis have been in their attacks on international shipping.

New wave of strikes hits Houthis' weaponry as group persists with Red Sea attacks

Terrorism 2024-02-06

New wave of strikes hits Houthis' weaponry as group persists with Red Sea attacks

Joint strikes targeted Houthis' underground storage facilities, command and control sites, missile systems, drone sites, radars and helicopters.

Hizbullah commanders help direct Houthi attacks in Yemen

Terrorism 2024-02-03

Hizbullah commanders help direct Houthi attacks in Yemen

Evidence points to the presence of Hizbullah personnel in the Red Sea to help organize and direct the Houthis' destabilizing activities. A joint operation center also exists in southern Beirut.

Occupied with stoking regional tensions, Tehran failed to act on US tip about ISIS plot

Terrorism 2024-01-26

Occupied with stoking regional tensions, Tehran failed to act on US tip about ISIS plot

While Iran stokes tensions in the Red Sea and beyond, terrorists hit at home. 'The headlines wrote themselves: the Islamic Republic cannot protect the Iranian homeland,' one analyst said.

Blacklisted Hamas leaders 'perpetuated group's violent agenda'

Terrorism 2024-01-04

Blacklisted Hamas leaders 'perpetuated group's violent agenda'

In a new round of sanctions announced in December, the United States designated eight Hamas leaders in coordination with the United Kingdom.

Hamas leaders lead lavish lifestyles amid increasing poverty in Gaza

Terrorism 2023-12-25

Hamas leaders lead lavish lifestyles amid increasing poverty in Gaza

Multiple reports show that Hamas leaders have accrued billions of dollars, mainly from taxing smuggled goods and carrying out illegal global investment schemes.

Houthis use Hamas war as pretext to attract new recruits

Terrorism 2023-11-24

Houthis use Hamas war as pretext to attract new recruits

The Houthis are using the Hamas war to revitalize recruitment efforts but will likely use the new recruits to expand their footprint in Yemen.

Jurf al-Sakhr: Iran-backed militants' 'open secret' in Iraq

Terrorism 2023-11-24

Jurf al-Sakhr: Iran-backed militants' 'open secret' in Iraq

US strikes hit Jurf al-Sakhr, an area known by locals to be the operational base of Iran-backed militias who have been preventing local residents from returning to their homes.

Renewed calls to designate Houthis as terrorists amid Israel-Hamas war

Terrorism 2023-11-22

Renewed calls to designate Houthis as terrorists amid Israel-Hamas war

In addition to carrying out terrorist acts in and around Yemen, the Houthis have intervened on behalf of Hamas in its war with Israel.

Houthis seize commercial vessel in Red Sea in latest Hamas war escalation

Terrorism 2023-11-20

Houthis seize commercial vessel in Red Sea in latest Hamas war escalation

The Iran-backed group seized a Japanese-operated commercial vessel in the Red Sea and took it to the port of Salif in Yemen. The group has vowed to seize Israeli ships in the area.

'Bring them home': families of Hamas hostages call for their release

Terrorism 2023-11-20

'Bring them home': families of Hamas hostages call for their release

As relatives rally to demand answers, Israel's military releases a video that appears to show hostages brought to Gaza City hospital.

Hamas obstruction of fuel complicates dire situation of Gaza hospitals

Terrorism 2023-11-17

Hamas obstruction of fuel complicates dire situation of Gaza hospitals

Evidence suggests the terrorist group is diverting desperately needed fuel from hospitals in Gaza to support its ongoing military objectives.

Hamas manipulates financial platforms, information to further its aims

Terrorism 2023-11-17

Hamas manipulates financial platforms, information to further its aims

The terrorist group has received funds from Iran and solicited cryptocurrency donations to boost its coffers, aided by a propaganda campaign.

Arabs join tribute to peace activist killed in Hamas terrorist attack

Terrorism 2023-11-17

Arabs join tribute to peace activist killed in Hamas terrorist attack

Peace activist Vivian Silver had set up aid programs for Gaza residents and helped them travel to Israel for medical treatment.

Houthis' unsuccessful attacks on Israel harm Yemen most, analysts say

Terrorism 2023-11-16

Houthis' unsuccessful attacks on Israel harm Yemen most, analysts say

Missiles and drones launched by the Houthis from Yemen pose almost no threat to Israel, but are placing the Yemen peace process in jeopardy.

Birds of prey, archaeologists help Israel find Hamas terrorist attack victims

Terrorism 2023-11-14

Birds of prey, archaeologists help Israel find Hamas terrorist attack victims

As archaeologists sift through burned out houses, birds of prey fitted with tracking devices search too for bodies.

Iran rejects G7 calls to stop supporting Hamas

Terrorism 2023-11-10

Iran rejects G7 calls to stop supporting Hamas

Iran supports Hamas financially and militarily and has hailed the terrorist group's attack on Israel as a 'success' while insisting Hamas acted alone.

Region shows little interest in Hizbullah chief's 2nd speech

Terrorism 2023-11-08

Region shows little interest in Hizbullah chief's 2nd speech

Hassan Nasrallah lost a lot of credibility in his diatribe of November 3 when his subservience to Iran came into focus, leaving the region dismissive of follow-up, face-saving remarks.

Houthis launch fresh drone attack from Yemen amid Israel-Hamas war

Terrorism 2023-11-07

Houthis launch fresh drone attack from Yemen amid Israel-Hamas war

Despite claims from the Iran-backed group, most attacks launched from Yemen have been intercepted or fallen short of intended targets.

In lockstep with Iran, Hizbullah leader claims Hamas attack was a 'surprise'

Terrorism 2023-11-03

In lockstep with Iran, Hizbullah leader claims Hamas attack was a 'surprise'

Hassan Nasrallah clearly backed down from escalating the conflict, stressing the actions of Hamas were decisions that had 'no relation at all to any international or regional issue.'

Iranian proxies' exploitation of infrastructure exposes civilians to extreme danger

Terrorism 2023-11-02

Iranian proxies' exploitation of infrastructure exposes civilians to extreme danger

Across the Middle East, Iran-backed militant groups are using civilians as human shields and exploiting civilian infrastructure, such as hospitals, to store weapons and explosives.

Cryptocurrency latest front in Hamas-Israel conflict

Terrorism 2023-10-26

Cryptocurrency latest front in Hamas-Israel conflict

Cryptocurrency is seen as a fast way to move cash that is unregulated by any central bank and is less traceable than a traditional bank transfer.

Highest levels of Hamas leadership managed secret investment portfolio

Terrorism 2023-10-19

Highest levels of Hamas leadership managed secret investment portfolio

Financial network enabled Hamas senior officials to live in luxury, while ordinary Palestinians in Gaza face harsh living and economic conditions.

Fresh Hamas terror designations after attack on Israel

Terrorism 2023-10-13

Fresh Hamas terror designations after attack on Israel

The world in large part recognizes the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people, 'but make no mistake: Hamas does not represent those aspirations,' say a host of international leaders.